Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Ghost, the Nazi, and the Pilot

I haven't done anything digital in a looong long time. So I thought I should give it a little whirl tonight. I don't think I like the sketchiness of digital, but my boyfriend blames my general dislike and lack of respect for digital art on my own inability to do any digital art. So...guess I might as well start trying. This is the ghost from my dream. A young woman who had died in a brutal experiment, she found the opportunity to haunt her murderer/scientist when an experiment he performed gone wrong, causing him to lose his arm in the process and gain a strange ability to see the ghost who haunts him. She now follows him around trying to cause him more misfortunes, slowly forcing him to suffer humiliation and bodily pain until he dies. Morbid dream yes. I'm not sure if she's going to be a floating head with wavy hair or have a body. In my dream, she was something similar to the girl from the ring, with a blotchy gray, featureless face. I kinda romanticized her in this drawing [and the next].

The rough sketch of the painting I was working on, again, about the scientist and his female specter. For some weird reason once I woke up, I affiliated him with a Nazi. Probably because he was blond with blue eyes in my dream, and had a semi nazi hair cut. Of course, this was all changed in the drawing above. The painting is still in progress. I've lost all knack for painting because of last week, which I spent in a hurry trying to finish all my paintings for class. It nearly drove me insane. =_=

And finally, the Pilot. An ornithoptor pilot to be more correct. This is thanks to a friend of mine deciding to put all of his friends into different classes if we were put into a post apocalyptic world that's also steam punk themed RPG. I was the ornithoptor pilot you can find in the desert. This pilot was based on the me in a post apocalyptic world, and I really don't think I'd be all that like myself in this world, therefore looking quite different. I didn't ever get to finish drawing my ornithoptor in the background...and as a mean of self defense, I wield a saber and a fake gun that shoots out a little flag with a puff. Very menacing, yes.

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